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10 Must-Have Crystals for Your Full Moon Celebrations

Full moon celebrations have been a part of human history since ancient times. The full moon is a powerful and transformative time for spiritual growth, and crystals can enhance the energy of this special time. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 10 crystals that are essential for any full moon celebration.


  • Properties of Amethyst: Amethyst is a purple crystal associated with intuition, spirituality, and calmness. It is often used to promote mental clarity and emotional stability

  • How to Use Amethyst During Full Moon Celebrations: Place amethyst on your third eye chakra or hold it in your hand during meditation to enhance your intuition and connect with your subconscious mind.


  • Properties of Citrine: Citrine is a yellow crystal associated with abundance, inspiration, and creativity. It is often used to attract wealth and success.

  • How to Use Citrine During Full Moon Celebrations: Place citrine in your abundance corner or carry it with you to attract abundance and manifest your desires.

Clear Quartz

  • Properties of Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is a clear crystal associated with clarity, amplification, and healing. It is often used to amplify the energy of other crystals and enhance spiritual growth.

  • How to Use Clear Quartz During Full Moon Celebrations: Place clear quartz in your meditation space or carry it with you to amplify your intentions and enhance your spiritual growth.


  • Properties of Moonstone: Moonstone is a white crystal associated with the lunar cycle, intuition, and feminine energy. It is often used to connect with the divine feminine and enhance intuition.

  • How to Use Moonstone During Full Moon Celebrations: Place moonstone on your heart chakra or carry it with you to connect with the lunar cycle and enhance your intuition.


  • Properties of Selenite: Selenite is a white crystal associated with purification, peace, and clarity. It is often used to cleanse other crystals and spaces of negative energy.

  • How to Use Selenite During Full Moon Celebrations: Place selenite in your meditation space or hold it in your hand to cleanse your energy and enhance your spiritual growth.

Black Tourmaline

  • Properties of Black Tourmaline: Black tourmaline is a black crystal associated with protection, grounding, and purification. It is often used to protect against negative energy and enhance grounding.

  • How to Use Black Tourmaline During Full Moon Celebrations: Place black tourmaline at the entrance of your home or carry it with you to protect against negativity and enhance grounding.


  • Properties of Labradorite: Labradorite is a gray crystal associated with transformation, intuition, and spiritual growth. It is often used to enhance psychic abilities and connect with higher realms.

  • How to Use Labradorite During Full Moon Celebrations: Place labradorite on your third eye chakra or carry it with you to enhance your psychic abilities and connect with higher realms.


  • Properties of Onyx: Onyx is a black crystal associated with protection, stability, and grounding. It is often used to protect against negative energy and enhance grounding.

  • How to Use Onyx During Full Moon Celebrations: Place onyx at the base of your spine or carry it with you to protect against negativity and enhance grounding.

Rose Quartz

  • Properties of Rose Quartz: Rose quartz is a pink crystal associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing. It is often used to attract love and enhance relationships.

  • How to Use Rose Quartz During Full Moon Celebrations: Place rose quartz on your heart chakra or carry it with you to attract love and enhance relationships.

The full moon is a powerful and transformative time for spiritual growth, and crystals can enhance the energy of this special time. Whether you're a seasoned crystal enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of metaphysics, these 10 crystals are essential for any full moon celebration. Use them to enhance your intuition, attract abundance, amplify your intentions, connect with the lunar cycle, cleanse your energy, protect against negativity, enhance psychic abilities, and attract love. Happy full moon celebrations!

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