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10 Spell Recipes for Beginners

Writer's picture: Cassie CauseyCassie Causey
If you are new to the world of witchcraft or magick, you may be wondering where to start. One way to begin is by trying some simple spells that are easy to perform and require only a few ingredients. In this blog post, we will provide you with a list of 10 spell recipes for beginners. These spells cover a range of purposes, from protection to love to money, and each comes with clear instructions on how to perform the spell. So, if you are ready to dip your toes into the world of spellcasting, let's get started!

Before we dive into the spell recipes, let's take a moment to talk about what spell recipes are, who can use them, and how to use them safely.

What are spell recipes? Spell recipes are like recipes for cooking. They provide you with a list of ingredients and instructions on how to perform a spell. In some cases, they may also include tips for enhancing the effectiveness of the spell.

Who can use them? Anyone can use spell recipes, regardless of their experience level. However, if you are new to spellcasting, it is important to start with simple spells and work your way up to more complex ones.

How to use them safely It is important to use spell recipes safely and responsibly. Always follow the instructions carefully, and never perform a spell that goes against your own ethics or the free will of others.

Protection Spells

If you are feeling anxious or vulnerable, protection spells can help you feel more secure. Here are three simple protection spells to try:

Candle Spell for Protection

Ingredients: white candle, a piece of paper, and a pen.

  1. Write your name on the paper and place it under the candle.

  2. Light the candle and say: "I am protected from harm and negativity."

  3. Allow the candle burn down completely.

The Salt Circle Spell

Ingredients: a handful of salt and a quiet space.

  1. Sprinkle the salt in a circle around you and visualize a protective barrier forming around you.

  2. Repeat the following: "I am safe and protected within this circle."

  3. When you are ready, step out of the circle and scatter the salt outside.

The Mirror Spell

Ingredients: a small mirror and a white candle.

  1. Light the candle and hold the mirror in front of you.

  2. Look into the mirror and say: "I reflect all negativity back to its source."

  3. Visualize any negative energy bouncing off the mirror and returning to its sender.

  4. When you are finished, blow out the candle and put the mirror away.

Love Spells

If you are looking to attract love into your life or strengthen an existing relationship, love spells can be a powerful tool. Here are three simple love spells to try:

The Rose Spell

Ingredients: a red rose and a quiet space.

  1. Hold the rose in your hand and visualize yourself surrounded by love.

  2. Repeat the following: "Let love come to me, now and always."

  3. When you are finished, place the rose in a vase or somewhere you will see it often.

Attraction Spell

Ingredients: a green candle and a piece of paper.

  1. Write down your ideal partner on the paper and light the candle.

  2. Hold the paper in front of you and say: "I am attracting my perfect match."

  3. Let the candle burn down completely.

The Pink Candle Spell

Ingredients: a pink candle and some rose petals.

  1. Light the candle and sprinkle the rose petals around it.

  2. Sit quietly and focus on the flame, visualizing yourself surrounded by loving energy.

  3. Repeat the following: "I am open to receive love in my life."

  4. When you are finished, blow out the candle.

Money Spells

If you are looking to attract wealth and abundance into your life, money spells can help you manifest your desires. Here are three simple money spells to try:

The Coin Spell

Ingredients: a coin and a piece of paper.

  1. Write down the amount of money you need on the paper and place the coin on top of it.

  2. Hold the coin in your hand and say: "Money flows to me easily and abundantly."

  3. Put the coin in your wallet or purse and carry it with you.

The Green Candle Spell

Ingredients: a green candle and some cinnamon.

  1. Light the candle and sprinkle the cinnamon around it.

  2. Sit quietly and focus on the flame, visualizing money coming into your life.

  3. Repeat the following: "I am open to receive abundance in my life."

  4. When you are finished, blow out the candle.

The Bay Leaf Spell

Ingredients: a bay leaf and a pen.

  1. Write down the amount of money you need on the bay leaf and burn it in a fireproof dish.

  2. As the leaf burns, visualize the money coming into your life.

  3. Repeat the following: "Money flows to me easily and abundantly."

  4. When the leaf has burned down completely, scatter the ashes outside.

These are just a few examples of the types of spells you can try as a beginner. As you become more comfortable with spellcasting, you can experiment with different ingredients and techniques to create your own spells. Remember to always use spells responsibly and with a clear intention in mind. Happy casting!


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