August’s full moon is nearly upon us, and with it comes the opportunity to connect with the lunar cycle in unique and meaningful ways. August's full moon will occur on August 1 and is known as the Sturgeon SuperMoon. August will have another full moon on August 30, known as the Blue Moon.

If you’re looking for something different to do this full moon, try out one of these five rituals:
1. Moon Bathing
Moon bathing is a simple but powerful way to connect with the full moon’s energy. Find a comfortable spot outside where you can see the moon, and spend some time basking in its light. You might choose to meditate, journal, or simply enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. If you’re feeling adventurous, try moon bathing in the nude – the moon’s energy is said to be more potent when it touches your skin.
2. Full Moon Meditation
Meditating during the full moon is a great way to tap into its transformative energy. Find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed, and sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Focus on your breath, and imagine yourself absorbing the full moon’s light and energy with each inhale. As you exhale, release any negative or stagnant energy you’ve been holding onto. Repeat this for several minutes, or as long as you feel called to.
3. Release Ceremony
A release ceremony is a powerful way to let go of anything that’s been holding you back. Write down anything you want to release – negative thoughts, habits, relationships – on a piece of paper. Then, light a candle and burn the paper, imagining the things you’ve written down being transformed into ash and carried away by the full moon’s energy.
4. Dance Under the Moonlight
Dancing under the full moon is a wonderfully freeing experience. Put on some music that makes you feel alive, and dance however you feel called to. You might want to set an intention before you begin – something you want to call into your life or something you want to let go of.
5. Moon Water Ritual
Moon water is water that has been charged with the full moon’s energy. To create your own moon water, place a jar of water outside under the moonlight overnight. In the morning, drink the moon water or use it to water your plants. You can also use moon water in rituals or spell work.
These five rituals offer a unique and meaningful way to connect with the August full moon. Whether you choose to try one or all of them, take the time to honor the lunar cycle and the transformative energy it brings.