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Magickal Uses for Everyday Items

While there are many tools and supplies that can be useful in magic, sometimes the most powerful items are the ones we already have in our homes. In this post, we will explore the many ways in which everyday items can be used in magical rituals and spells.

Kitchen Magick

The kitchen is a place of nourishment and sustenance, and many of the items found here can be used in magic.

Herbs and spices, for example, can be used for their energetic properties and added to spells or potions. Herbs have been used for centuries for their powerful and magical properties. From promoting physical healing to enhancing spiritual growth, the benefits of herbs are endless.

Use Herbs for their healing properties

Here are some of the most popular herbs and their specific uses:

  • Chamomile: Chamomile is often used for its calming properties, and can help with sleep and relaxation.

  • Lavender: Lavender is known for its stress-relieving properties, and can help promote relaxation.

  • Rosemary: Rosemary is often used for its memory and focus-enhancing properties, and can help with mental clarity.

  • Sage: Sage is used for its purification properties, and can help cleanse negative energy from a space.

  • Peppermint: Peppermint is often used for its digestion-aiding properties, and can help ease stomach discomfort.

Tea and coffee can also be used in magic, with various blends having different energetic properties. Here are a few tea blends and how you can use their energetic properties:

  • Matcha and Turmeric: This blend combines the energizing properties of matcha with the anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric. Simply whisk the two together with hot water and enjoy.

  • Sencha and Ginger: Sencha is a type of Japanese green tea that has a delicate flavor and high caffeine content. Pairing it with ginger adds a spicy kick and even more energy-boosting benefits.

  • Jasmine and Lemongrass: This blend is perfect for those who prefer a lighter, more floral flavor. Jasmine tea is known for its calming properties, while lemongrass helps to boost energy and mood.

  • Chai and Cinnamon: Chai tea is a flavorful blend of black tea and spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger. Adding extra cinnamon to this blend can help to regulate blood sugar levels and keep energy levels steady.

  • Peppermint and Licorice: Peppermint is naturally invigorating, making it a great choice for an afternoon pick-me-up. Licorice, on the other hand, helps to regulate cortisol levels and reduce stress.

  • Ginger and Hibiscus: Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory and mood booster, while hibiscus is known for its antioxidant properties. This blend is perfect for a mid-afternoon energy boost.

Tea blends that help

Fruits and vegetables can be used for their symbolism as well as their physical properties; an apple, for example, is often associated with love and can be used in a love spell.

Bathroom Magick

The bathroom is a space of cleansing and renewal, and many of the items found here can be used in magic. Soap and bath salts can be infused with intention and used in ritual baths or cleansing spells. Ritual baths have been used for centuries as a form of self-care. They are a way to relax, refresh, and rejuvenate, both physically and emotionally. In addition to the obvious benefits of improved mood and reduced stress, ritual baths offer a host of other advantages, such as improved circulation, clearer skin, and better sleep.

Ritual baths to boost your energy

Ritual baths are a simple and effective way to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. While they can be used as a one-time treat, incorporating them into your regular self-care routine can have profound effects on your overall well-being. Here are a few ritual bath recipes to help you get started on your self-care routine. For each recipe, fill the tub with warm water and add the ingredients. Stir the water well to ensure that the ingredients are well-distributed throughout the bath. Soak in the bath for at least 20 minutes to allow the healing properties of the oils to absorb into your skin.

Eucalyptus and Mint Bath

Eucalyptus and mint are both known for their invigorating properties, making this the perfect bath for a quick energy boost. Eucalyptus can help to clear the sinuses and alleviate congestion, while mint can help to improve focus and mental clarity.

  • 1 cup Epsom salt

  • 10 drops eucalyptus essential oil

  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil

Lavender and Chamomile Bath

Lavender and chamomile are both known for their calming properties, making this bath perfect for those in need of some relaxation. Lavender can help to reduce anxiety and promote restful sleep, while chamomile can help to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation.

  • 1 cup Epsom salt

  • 10 drops lavender essential oil

  • 10 drops chamomile essential oil

Rose and Geranium Bath

Both rose and geranium are known for their balancing properties, making this bath perfect for those looking to find emotional equilibrium. Rose can help to reduce stress and promote self-love, while geranium can help to balance hormones and reduce inflammation.

  • 1 cup Epsom salt

  • 10 drops rose essential oil

  • 10 drops geranium essential oil

Lemon and Ginger Bath

Lemon and ginger are both known for their cleansing properties, making this bath perfect for those in need of a detox. Lemon can help to improve digestion and boost the immune system, while ginger can help to reduce inflammation and promote healthy circulation.

  • 1 cup Epsom salt

  • 10 drops lemon essential oil

  • 10 drops ginger essential oil

Oatmeal and Honey Bath

Oatmeal and honey are both known for their soothing properties, making this bath perfect for those with sensitive skin. Oatmeal can help to reduce itching and inflammation, while honey can help to moisturize and nourish the skin.

  • 1 cup colloidal oatmeal

  • 1/2 cup honey

Essential oils can be added to a diffuser to create a specific energetic atmosphere. Makeup and beauty products can also be used in magic, with various colors and ingredients having different energetic properties. For example, a red lipstick can be used for love spells, while a green eyeshadow can be used for wealth and abundance.

Closet and Jewelry Magick

The closet is a space of self-expression, and the items found here can be used in magic to enhance our personal power. Crystals and gemstones can be worn as jewelry or carried in a pocket for their energetic properties. Perfumes and colognes can be used to create a specific energetic atmosphere or to enhance personal magnetism. Jewelry and accessories can also be used in magic, with various symbols and materials having different energetic properties. A silver necklace, for example, is often associated with the moon and can be used in lunar rituals.

Household Magick

The household is a space of comfort and security, and many of the items found here can be used in magic. Candles and incense can be used to create an energetic atmosphere or to enhance a specific intention. Cleaning supplies can be infused with intention and used to cleanse a space of negative energy. Decorative items can be used to enhance the energy of a space or to evoke a specific mood or feeling. For example, a dreamcatcher can be used to promote restful sleep and protect against nightmares.

As you can see, there are many ways in which everyday items can be used in magic. By infusing our daily lives with intention and energy, we can enhance our personal power and create a life that is truly magical. I encourage you to explore and experiment with your own items, and to see how they can be used to enhance your magical practice.

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